It’s Here and It’s Scary, by LaVonne Limpus-Jurack, Nonfiction Librarian

im scared


I am walking in from break as several children dart down the side walk and across Main Street by the Court House. They are all carrying a binder in blinding primary colors as they run across the street and beat me to the door of the library. It is here and it is scary. It is, Summer Reading Program 2016.
On Tuesday the doors opened to the hard cores; a few adults but mostly kids. The lure of prize packages beckoning. What would the theme be, what would the ultimate prizes be, what would the programs be?

The line at the circulations desk and youth librarian’s desk grew as children and adults waited to get their folders. The folder holds the secret to the program-behold the program log. Each week is carefully planned to not only entertain but to challenge one to read. But no, the Summer Reading Program is not all about reading. No sir. The theme directs the programming. There will be hikes, days at the park, board game and popcorn night (which went smashingly) and even a traveling musician and an author who writes about our National Parks…and more.
After each person is given their yellow, blue, green or red folder and their #, I note they do not leave. They begin to wander about and this is where it gets scary; I see kids in the adult areas and adults in the kid’s area. What is this black magic?

As I scan the innards of the folder I see a scavenger hunt. Ah ha, this will explain quite a lot. It’s pretty clever as it gets people to really explore their Library.
As they check off the items on their log they are given a ticket. They put their ticket in the corresponding tub for the prize(s) they want. But what’s this? A current user patron is now doing a yoga pose at the front desk. Oh yes, this is extra credit, “Demonstrate an exercise you do to stay in shape.” What won’t our patrons do to get those coveted tickets?
This week, besides a scavenger hunt the workout widget (you will have to come in for us to explain) will provide the title of a random book for you to read. Again, how clever, perhaps you never would have read that book.
Our adult program theme is Exercise your mind; Read! The kids have a common theme, Get in the Game; Read! The prizes include fit bits, a trip to Chico Hot springs, Movie Night for Four and much, much more.

If only employees could participate.

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