Minutes 2/13/14

Lewistown Public Library’s Mission Statement:

“The Lewistown Public Library provides free and equal access to quality materials and services, which fulfill the educational, informational, cultural, and recreational needs of the entire community.”

2:15 PM Call to order — roll call – Regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Tom Wojtowick, Chairperson. Members present: Tom Wojtowick, Mary Frieze, Cathy Moser, Blanche Chapman, Commissioner Patty Turk, and Marie Anderson, Ex-Officio; Director: KellyAnne Terry. Recorder of Minutes: Joyce Swanz

Reading of the Mission Statement: Cathy Moser

Revisions to the Agenda:
• Discussion of a form for evaluation of the director

Comments for the Good of the Library:
• There were many favorable comments regarding the Chili Bowl – a good time was had by all!

Disposition of Minutes:
• Blanche moved to accept the January 10, 2014 regular Board meeting minutes and Mary seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Financial Reports:
• Patty moved to accept the Claims paid for December, Mary seconded and the motion passed.
• City/County Budget Income is looking good for the fiscal year. CMF interest funds are accruing.

Director’s Report:
• Director’s Report accepted as presented and the report is attached.
• The web site is not live yet but has been completely set up – just adding content now.
• KellyAnne is working through the Staff Evaluations – using a new form this year to foster discussion
• KellyAnne did not attend Offline as planned due to the severe winter weather. She did participate online for the two committees she serves on through MontanaLibrary2Go, and reported the bylaw and content budget changes that will be introduced to the membership at the Montana Library Association Conference in April. MontanaLibrary2Go may go to a 21 day checkout instead of a 14 day checkout.
• KellyAnne and Kevin will be coordinating the Leadership Central Montana meeting on February 18, 2014.
• KellyAnne said she was proud of the staff and all the work they did to make the Chili Bowl a success.
• Dan will be attending the American Library Association conference in June in Las Vegas. He applied and received a grant for professional development through the Montana State Library.
• Montana Library Association conference in Billings, MT on April 9-12. Staff will rotate how they attend meetings. The Board Meeting will be changed to Thurs. April 17 at 2:00 p.m. to accommodate the conference.
• Estate of Dorothy Jones is being settled – Library will receive money in July or August.
• The schools are experiencing a head lice problem so the Library has removed headphones from computers and are ordering disposable ones that patrons can purchase for $1.00. Patrons are also encouraged to bring their own.


Friends of the Library:
• Friends gave $11,219.00 to the Library in 2013. A large portion of this went to painting the upper part of the Library.
• Marie reported that there has been $2360.00 received for annual memberships so far – there are 52 new members.
• The Train books being sold on e-Bay by Lyle Gorman have made $1000.00 for the Friends and there is still some money in the e-bay account.
• Winter Fair Sale made $1200.00
• The exterior of the Book Station will be painted this spring – the job will be hired out.
• KellyAnne thanked the Friends and the Council on Aging for all their support in making the Chili Bowl such a success.

Discussion with the Public
• Joyce mentioned that there continues to be donations for the Book Station, and she appreciated this from the community. The Board agreed.

Unfinished Business:

• Chili Bowl Discussion – what did and didn’t work (registration for tables will be done ahead of time), plans for next year – Jan 30, 2015 as a possible date
• Evaluation of the Director – the Board looked over the new form, KellyAnne will do a self-evaluation and the Board will meet in March to evaluate her.
• Board Appointment – a letter of intent needs to go to Kevin by March 12 and the Commission will decide on March 17. Mary Frieze’s term is up and she will be applying again.
• Author Dinner – Pete Fromm on May 14, 2014 at the Elks Club. Another silent auction will be held along with the dinner and author presentation. Tickets go on sale April 1, 2014 and there will be 120 total.
• Night in Paris – February 20, 2014 from 6 – 7:30 p.m.

New Business:
• KellyAnne is being nominated to join the Fergus County Federal Credit Union Board. The Library Board consented to the nomination.

Trustee Minute:
• The Board discussed the Highway placement shift that is being proposed by the MT DOT.
• KellyAnne mentioned that maybe a section can be added to the agenda so that the appointed City Commissioner can report on City Business.

4:00 PM Meeting adjourned.

NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING: Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. in the Upstairs Meeting Room.

Respectively Submitted: KellyAnne Terry, Director

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