Minutes 3/13/14

Lewistown Public Library’s Mission Statement:

“The Lewistown Public Library provides free and equal access to quality materials and services, which fulfill the educational, informational, cultural, and recreational needs of the entire community.”

2:05 PM Call to order — roll call – Regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Mary Frieze, Vice-Chairman. Members present: Commissioner Patty Turk, Cathy Moser, Blanche Chapman and Marie Anderson, Ex-Officio; Director: KellyAnne Terry; Excused: Tom Wojtowick; Recorder of Minutes: Joyce Swanz

Reading of the Mission Statement: Cathy Moser

Revisions to the Agenda:
• KellyAnne would like to remove Book Station Property Report and replace it with City Commissioner Report. The Book Station Property Report will be combined with the Friends of the Library Report. Blanche moved to make these changes and Patty seconded. The motion passed.

Comments for the Good of the Library:
• Marie thanked the Board Members who have been attending the Friends of the Library meetings.
• KellyAnne mentioned how many great comments she and library staff have received regarding the success of French Night. There were 47 attendees and lots of good food!

Disposition of Minutes:
• Blanche moved to accept the February 13, 2014 regular Board meeting minutes and Patty seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Financial Reports:
• Patty moved to accept the claims paid for March, Cathy seconded and the motion passed.
• Currently at 84% for Donation Income Budget (includes Chili Bowl money) and 63% of the 2220 Regular Expenditure Budget

Director’s Report:
• Director’s Report accepted as presented and the report is attached.
• Website – providing content
• Staff evaluations are finished
• Going into Budget there will be a restructuring of the Nonfiction staff to accommodate the Reference Librarian position
• Leadership Central Montana – KellyAnne and Kevin Myhre conducted the February 18 meeting for this group.
• Night in Paris – this was such a success and KellyAnne thanked everyone for their help to make it so
• The Library did not receive the Hometown Humanities grant for funding, it was awarded to Lincoln County.
• Montana Preservation Road Show Conference will be in Lewistown in June. There may be some events at the Library in conjunction with this and KellyAnne and Zane may do a presentation.
• Montana Shakespeare in the Parks will be doing a school program in Lewistown on April 16-17. They will do a special program/reception at the Library for patrons on the evening of April 17. This event is going to be sponsored by Cheri Wicks.
• The Regular Board Meeting for April will be moved from the 2nd Thursday to the 3rd Thursday to accommodate for KellyAnne being at MLA in Billings on April 10.
• Spring Federation Meeting is being held in Big Timber on Saturday, March 15. Mary Frieze will be attending and representing the Lewistown Public Library.


Friends of the Library:
• The Friends has a good sale the first of March regardless of the snow and cold.
• Jim Hanson is building new shelves at the Book Station.
• KellyAnne asked if the Friends would be interested in sponsoring a magician for the Summer Reading Program and Marie will take this request to the Friends.
• Friends will work to get the windows replaced – KellyAnne will get new bids.

City Commissioner’s Report:
• Patty Turk presented the report.
• The county residents will see an increase in rates when dumping their septic systems at the City Plant.
• The sidewalk by the old Reid’s building is being replaced and the cost is being put on the owner’s taxes.

Discussion with the Public
• Joyce talked about dressing colorfully at the Library.
• The idea of a pie social as a theme for another culture night was discussed.

Continuing Business:

• KellyAnne’s evaluation will be held March 18, 2014
• City Commission will choose a Board Trustee at their regular meeting on March 17, 2014
• Montana Library Association Conference – KellyAnne, Nancy Bostrom and Lora to attend from the staff and Mary and Blanche will be attending from the Board (April 9-12 in Billings)
• KellyAnne will begin publicizing for the Author Dinner – Pete Fromm on May 14, 2014. The ticket price is $45 and tickets are currently at printer, will go on sale April 1.

New Business:
• Enterprise format will replace the current Library Catalog later in the summer – still a Sirsi Dynix product, just upgraded
• The Board Meeting for April will be moved from April 10 to April 17 to accommodate MLA
• May 1-2, 2014 – Montana Shared Catalog Spring meeting in Helena

Trustee Minute:
• Discussed new sound system, Blanche would like to try it out at the Elk’s Club prior to the Author Dinner

3:30 PM Meeting adjourned.

NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING: Thursday, April 17, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. in the Upstairs Meeting Room.

Respectively Submitted: KellyAnne Terry, Director

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