The Broadway Apartments at 206 6th Ave North was built in 1913 for the Lewistown Improvement Company which ”was one of many such corporations formed for the purpose of meeting the rapidly increasing housing demands in the ‘New City’. Articles of Incorporation were filed June 7, 1912 by George M. Stone, Bernard E. Stack, Arthur A. Stapleton, Fred H. Robinson and Thomas Pittman.” (Montana Historical and Architectural Survey-Sievert).
“BIG APARTMENT HOUSE PLANNED BY LOCAL MEN. A THIRTY-THOUSAND DOLLAR STRUCTURE TO BE ERECTED DURING PRESENT YEAR. A stock company has just been formed in this city for the purpose of erecting, during the present year, one of the finest apartment houses in Montana. Those holding stock in the corporation are G. M. Stone, W.J. Johnson, B.E. Stack, A.A. Stapleton, Fred Robinson, Tom L. Pittman and G. R. Marsh.
“The company has acquired the George Anderson property, on the corner of Broadway and Sixth avenue and the structure which they plan will cover one entire lot 50 x 90 feet in size, be three stories high and cost not less than $30,000. It will be modern in every particular and contain from twelve to fifteen 3-room apartments. Considerable stress will be laid not only upon making the building entirely fire-proof, but also as sightly from an architectural viewpoint as possible.
“The plans for the new building will be out within the next two or three weeks and a contract let as early as it will be possible to begin work. It is proposed to have the building ready for occupancy this fall.
“It would appear that a modern apartment house should be an excellently paying investment in Lewistown. It is rather remarkable that there is not already something of the sort in a city of nearly five thousand people. The city is fortunate, however, that its first building of that character shall be of the substantial and sightly nature planned. It will certainly be a decided acquisition to the list of fine buildings in Lewistown.” (“Fergus County Democrat,” March 19, 1912).
“Ground was broken yesterday for the foundation for the new apartment house to be erected on the corner of Sixth avenue and Broadway by local capitalists. It is the intention of the men behind the project to push it to completion with all possible rapidity, the contracts calling for the building to be turned over and ready for occupancy by October 15. It will be a modern structure in every particular and the ground, building and furnishings will call for an expenditure of about fifty thousand dollars. (“Fergus County Democrat,” June 4, 1912).
“The Lewistown Brick and Tile company is now making common and face brick which for quality are not excelled by the product of any other factory in the United States. As a matter of fact, there are but two or three brick plants in the entire country which are making a building material which can, in any way, compare with the output of the local plant. The new Broadway Apartment house, one of the handsomest structures in Montana, is built of this material, which certainly speaks for itself. (“Fergus County Democrat,” December 17, 1912).
A listing in the newspaper shows the cost of the apartment building: “Much building during the year, Broadway Apartment house, Broadway and 6th, $40,000.” (“Fergus County Democrat,” December 17, 1912).