A Year in The Books III by Kari Denison

Since I began working at the Library in 2016, it has become routine for me to write a year in review at the close of each year –  a tradition I plan to carry on. 

So here we go…

Big changes have taken place at the Lewistown Public Library in 2018.  One accomplishment Library staff is very proud of is the building facelift which was completed in the spring.  The building exterior was beautifully renovated as well as new landscaping installed.   Our Library looks as fabulous as our service.

Another dramatic and exciting change is new leadership taking the helm this fall.  Our new Director Dani Buehler steps up with experience and enthusiasm.  Congratulations to Dani on her new position!

Currently, collections are shifting in the library for new organization.  Please excuse our mess while we continue to improve the layout of the library.  We are excited for this update and are excited to further improve our service to the community.

Naturally, the Library has continued to serve the community with the Summer Reading Program, Storytime, Senior Outreach, Historical Services and Youth Services.  The Author Dinner and Chili Bowl annual fundraisers were great successes.  The Friends of the Library enthusiastically continue to volunteer time and energy with their monthly book sales at the Book Station, Santa’s Seconds Sale and contributions with the Chili Bowl and Author Dinner. 

We are grateful for the dedication and time of our Board of Directors, who were tasked with the Director search and making executive decisions for the Library this year. We’re also grateful for our wonderful volunteers, who give graciously and contribute tremendously to the overall function of the Library. 

Now for my favorite reads of the year:

“Leave No Trace” by Mindy Mejia is a story of a young man trying to save his father and discover himself.  The story bravely takes on hard-to-tackle topics:  love, addictions, mental health, and institutions.  This book is as much a real page-turner as a tearjerker. 

“Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood takes the reader to a society wherein women are severely oppressed under dictatorship.  This story is eloquently written and projects a community of ultimate oppression and subtly offers a warning.  Everyone should read it.  This novel is now a Hulu series (I could only stomach a couple episodes).  Atwood has recently announced a sequel to “Handmaid’s Tale,” which I am eager to read.

“Mystery Stalks the Prairie” is a captivating account of mysterious events; cattle mutilations, unexplained helicopter and UFO reports, and hairy creature sightings that occurred August 1974-May 1976 in Central Montana.  This narrative was co-written in 1976 by Roberta Donovan; a Lewistown native and past News Argus editor of 12 years, and Captain Keith Wolverton of the Cascade County’s Sherriff’s Office after rigorous research involving locals and law enforcement.  I was instantly drawn to this book with its abundance of local flare and mysterious phenomena.    

2018 has been a fabulous year at the Library!  We are grateful for all our volunteers and donors, for our successes, and the community for the support.

What are your favorite reads of 2018?  Surely you must have a few!        

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