Board Minutes 11/6/2014

Lewistown Public Library’s Mission Statement:

“The Lewistown Public Library provides free and equal access to quality materials and services, which fulfill the educational, informational, cultural, and recreational needs of the entire community.”

3.08 PM   Call to order — roll call – Regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Tom Wojtowick, Chairperson. Members present: Tom Wojtowick, Mary Frieze, Cathy Moser, and Blanche Chapman. Excused: Marie Anderson, Ex-Officio and Commissioner Patty Turk Director: KellyAnne Terry. Public: Joyce Swanz.

Appoint Recorder of Minutes:Joyce Swanz

Reading of the Mission Statement:Mary Frieze

Revisions to the Agenda:

  • KellyAnne wants to add a discussion on policies and the Strategic Plan under New Business.

Comments for the Good of the Library:

  • KellyAnne said the play wasn’t as well attended as last year but there were still 25 people there and they really enjoyed themselves.

Disposition of Minutes:

  • Blanche moved to accept the September 11, 2014 regular Board meeting minutes and Cathy seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Financial Reports:

  • Regular Library Financials presented and discussed.
  • KellyAnne pointed out that the State Financial Aid was received for the year and deposited into that line item.
  • Approximately $1500 was taken out of the Depreciation Fund for repairs to the Boiler.
  • Blanche moved to accept the Claims paid for September, Cathy seconded and the motion passed.

Director’s Report:

  • Director’s Report accepted as presented and the report is attached.
  • The window project was presented and voted on at the City Commission meeting on October 6, 2014.       The vote was 6 to 1 in favor of going forward and releasing the funds for expenditure.
  • Travel and Conferences – will report under New Business, a Montana Memory Project meeting in Helena on Oct. 7 was cancelled.
  • October 21 – Library Connect Webinar with the State Library: KellyAnne and Dan presenting with Mulatnomah County Library in Portland, OR. Project is coming a long nicely.
  • Leadership Central Montana – This program will be meeting back at the library for Historical and Cultural night. KellyAnne and C.J. Bailey will be organizing the class again with help from Zane Fulbright.

Statistical Report:

  • Cathy asked for explanation of discards and volunteer hours.
  • KellyAnne mentioned that the South Central Federation monies have been deposited.


Friends of the Library:

  • Presented by Blanche Chapman
  • October Sale made $485.00
  • FOL Meeting on October 1st saw the first reading of the FOL revised Bylaws. The major addition to the bylaws is defining the role of the Book Station. The second reading will be October 30th at the next regular FOL meeting to be held at 10:00 a.m
  • Three new workers were present at the last book sorting.
  • Tom commented that he had visited with Tim Faber and gave the Board Tim’s recommendation on painting the Book Station which is to sand and then spray paint with enamel paint.

Commissioner’s Report:

  • KellyAnne Terry reported on the City Commissioner’s meeting held October 6.
  • Holly Phelps is the new Public Works Director
  • Discussion on Castle Butte subdivision and their annexation into the city so they can have access to city water and pay for it.
  • Committee of the Whole discussed Ballot Issues and how city employees and commissioners are expected to act regarding political matters.

Discussion with the Public

  • None

Continuing Business:

South Central Federation Meeting – KellyAnne reported on this meeting. Several new directors including Denton and Rosebud County. All present discussed what was going on in their libraries.

  • Montana Shared Catalog – KellyAnne reported, held in Helena. There are several changes coming up with this including a new system and new staff. The large amount of school libraries now outnumber the public libraries and everyone is continuing to work through the best service for all libraries.
  • Upcoming Events:
  • October 23, 2014 – Ellen Baumler Humanities Speaker – Haunted Montana @ 6:00 p.m.
  • November 6, 2014 – Civil War Songs with Bill Rossiter Humanities Speaker@ 6:00 p.m.
  • November 5, 2014 – Civil War Discussion on Causes of the War @ 6:00 p.m.
  • November 20, 2014 – Sandy Armstead will talk about her Teacher Exchange to Turkey @ 6:00 p.m.

New Business:

  • KellyAnne will be out of town on November 13 and asked the board if they could change the regular November board meeting to November 6 at 2:00 p.m. The board agreed to this change.
  • KellyAnne asked the Board to bring their large policy books to the next meeting and the board would go over any policies that need updated or changed as well as measure the success of the current Strategic Plan.

Trustee Minute:

KellyAnne mentioned she will be traveling to Santa Fe for vacation on October 24-29.

  • Blanche commented on how great the board worked together and Mary agreed.
  • Tom shared a story of a gentleman he has been in touch with recently and he also handed out copies of the letter he sent to Kevin Myhre regarding budget approval.
  • Short discussion on the author dinner and who may be coming.

4:00 PM Meeting adjourned.

NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING: Thursday, November 6, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. in the Upstairs Meeting Room. Respectively Submitted: KellyAnne Terry, Director

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