Springtime is for Rejuvenation, Renewal, and Birth | Misty Aldrich, Librarian Assistant

As I sit here looking at the snow falling and listening to the cold crisp wind blowing through the empty branches, I think to myself, “Oh boy, spring is just around the corner.” Spring comes with rejuvenation as people think of spring cleaning and getting out to enjoy the new leaves and the new baby animals. We can watch the fawns as they frolic and play in the fields and the goslings as they try to swim and keep close to mom. We can think of spring as being a renewal of life as we see the new baby animals and their actions in their new world.

The first day of Spring is March 20 and I know, living in Lewistown, even if the calendar says that it is spring, the weather always says different. You could walk outside that day and have either lots of snow and cold, or sun and warmth. No matter what, the weather likes to confuse people as well as animals. Birds may see the nice warm weather and think, “let’s go back,” only to get here when the cold and snow is coming back with a vengeance. Similarly, people that go other places for the winter may think of coming back in March only to realize they will have to wait a little longer for spring.

Spring reminds me that there is green grass and flowers under the cold snow and that the trees will not stay empty forever. Refresh yourself from the winter blues to the spring yellows and greens as you see the new flowers bloom and the leaves start coming back. The baby animals will be celebrating their new lives and enjoying their new world. They deer know they have food, and the birds know they have shelter.

As we bundle up again for this winter weather, sip a hot beverage, cuddle in with a book or movie, and try to think happy thoughts of snow leaving and flowers blooming. Please remember Spring will eventually come.

While you’re waiting for spring, come to the library and check out our “Eat Your Greens” Reading Challenge. All you have to do is read or listen to five books with a green cover from the library to win a free book from us. We will see you soon, and remember to think spring.

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