Connecting with Folk Tales and Fables with Mo Reynolds + Other Upcoming Events | Alissa Wolenetz, Library Director

This week, I’d like to highlight three upcoming programs at the Library. For those who love a good story, we have “Connecting with Folklore and Fables” with Mo Reynolds. If you’re interested in creating opportunities for education and job training, come join the next meeting of the Lewistown Training and Education Coalition. If you’re a high school senior, come by the Library to work with other students on your scholarship applications and enjoy a few snacks. 

“Connecting through Folklore and Fables” with Mo Reynolds

When I was little, my parents would bribe me with stories. They’d sit down at the dinner table and start a story about a wild cow or a prank they pulled at school. After a little bit they’d stop and wait until I took a bite. If I wanted to hear the rest of the story I had to eat, and I always wanted to hear the rest of the story. 

Stories connect people. They connect us now, in our own day and age. They can also connect us to different times and places and the people who told stories then and there. These connections are the focus of Mo Reynolds’ work. This presentation sponsored by Humanities Montana will be on February 3rd from 5:30-7:30PM. Mo will talk with us about how stories bring us together and how they’ve changed over the years. Participants will meet in-person and Mo will join us virtually.

The Lewistown Training and Education Coalition

The second meeting of the Lewistown Training and Education Coalition (TEC) will be held on February 8, 2022 in the upstairs meeting room of the Lewistown Public Library. This coalition was formed to provide increased opportunities for community education and job training in Fergus County. Members include the Central Montana Education Center, MSU-Extension, Lewistown Job Service, HRDC, Lewistown Art Center, Lewistown Public Library, and others. If you are interested in learning more about the coalition, come join us at 3:00 in the upstairs meeting room.

Scholarship workshops for seniors

The Library is a perfect place to work on your scholarship applications! Come join us from 4:30-6:00PM on Tuesday, February 8 in the upstairs meeting room to start your applications and edit them with other students. We have snacks! There will be several of these workshops. Keep an eye on this column, our website and social media for upcoming dates. 

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