Will 2021 be the Year of the Dog or the Year of the Cat? The library needs your help to decide.
This summer the Lewistown Public Library is hosting a friendly summer reading competition to determine the library pet of the year. We hope you will join the fun.
To participate, read a book that’s about (or mentions) a dog or a cat. Visit the Library to submit your vote. Vote by completing a book-title slip and entering the vote in the appropriate bin. Participants can vote in three categories: dog, cat, or no animal. Please submit only one vote per book per patron.
Need assistance finding a book on your preferred animal? Our talented librarians are available to assist with book recommendations. If a patron would rather seek out their own selection, a list is available for reference to find books on dogs and cats. Please note: the “no animal” category is just that – the category for all other entries that may be about a different animal, story, craft, etc.
A drawing will take place mid-August and a winner will be drawn for a prize tote. The animal with the overall votes will determine the library pet of the year. Prizes are on display by the front desk next to the voting bins.
This competition is separate from the Tails and Tales Summer Reading Program for the youth. Reading Like Cats and Dogs is geared for the adult patrons, however, anyone of any age can participate.
Enjoy the competition. May the best pet win!