Way back in December I wrote about a wonderful fantasy novel that I was thoroughly enjoying.“City of Brass” by S.A. Chakraborty is classic escapism housed within the mythic traditions of multiple Middle Eastern cultures. Flying carpets, extreme landscapes, and granted wishes fill the pages and pull you into a fantastic new world. I loved this book. I wrote about it and suggested it to many family members and friends. And I was excited because “City of Brass” is the first book in “The Daevabad Trilogy” and I was stoked to begin the second book.
And then I read it and the worse thing about reading series reared its ugly head. The second book was major let down. It took me twice as long to read it. The character development lagged. And I found myself in a uniquely sheepish position. I had suggested this book to so many people that I felt a bit worried my taste in literature might be viewed questionably. But, with the left-over steam I had built reading the first book, I trudged through the second book. It turned out to be okay. But okay doesn’t push into the next book. So, it took me a few weeks to return to the series and finish it out by reading book three, “Empire of Gold”.
Boy, am I glad I did. “Empire of Gold” surpassed all my expectations and reinvigorated my love of series. All the extra pages that went into the side stories and the unresolved character plotlines came crashing together into a phenomenal culmination. Book three, or “Empire of Gold”, is a testament to universe building. It has history, it has clarity, it has resolution, and it is just so much fun. The author worked meticulously to craft a universe and did not disappoint. I love this aspect of fantasy literature. I am compelled to these fictional worlds so richly developed by the author and housed within my mind. I loved this book.
Therefore, I heartly recommend “The Daevabad Trilogy” to any fantasy lover out there. Yes, the second book is weak, but the reward is in the culmination and though it’s nearly 1,000 pages it is worth every moment.