Level up summer fun: Engage Tails and Tales Summer Reading Program by Kari Denison

School is out and summer reading is upon us!  Summer is a prime time to engage in adventures and opportunities your local library can offer.

This summer the Lewistown Public Library’s Summer Reading Program will delight kids of all ages.  2021 Summer Reading Program (SRP) – Tails and Tales – focuses on animals and the stories about them.  SRP begins the first week of June and participants can sign up anytime during the six week program which concludes on July 10. 

A sampling of Summer Reading Program youth programs:

Youth Storytimes:

Books & Babies (Fridays @ 10:30 a.m.) – Infant/Toddlers (0-2 years) and caregivers meet in the youth area to sing songs and nursery rhymes, read a story and play. During Summer Reading, this program will focus on animal songs and stories.  Books & Babies is held every Friday morning in the youth area.

PreK/Kinder Storytime (Saturdays @ 11:00 a.m.) – Preschool/Kindergarten kids (3-6 years) meet in the youth area for songs and story followed by a craft. During Summer Reading, this program will focus on animal songs, stories, and crafts.  Saturday Storytime is every Saturday morning in the youth area.

Youth Programming:

Middles STEM (Tuesdays @ 1:00 p.m.) – STEM participants will learn about different animal topics including birds of Montana, forest critters, food chains, habitats, tracks, and more through a science and art lens. STEM is a weekly activity for youth ages 6-12 every Tuesday in the youth area.

Teen Time (Thursdays @ 4:00 p.m.) – Participants will engage in craft projects and creative writing activities.  Teen time is a weekly activity for the teens ages 13+ every Thursday in the youth area. On July 1, we will discuss “Turtles All the Way Down” by John Green for Teen Book Club – books are available to check out when you sign up for Summer Reading. 

Bird Watching (June 11 @ 1:00 p.m.) at the Brewery Flats. Lisa Ferguson and Cathy Moser with the Lewistown Bird Bunch will lead bird watching.  Participants will meet on Friday June 11 – 1:00 p.m. at the center parking lot off Spring Creek Road. Children must be accompanied by an adult and dress appropriately for the weather.

Traveling Piranha (June 15-19) – Participants will track down the Library Piranha is different spots around Lewistown. Clues to the piranha’s location will be posted on social media.

Level up this summer at the Lewistown Public Library.  For more information on the Summer Reading Program contact 538-5212 or visit lewistownlibrary.org.  See you at the Library!

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