WiFi Hotspot Available To Checkout

Wi-Fi Hotspot Lending

The Lewistown Public Library has established a Wi-Fi hotspot lending program to provide patrons in our community with high-speed internet access. With this program, students can use the Internet for help with homework and projects, job seekers can search for jobs, and patrons can have home access to the Library’s digital resources such as our eBooks and eAudiobooks, as well as general access to the internet.

Patrons will be able to take advantage of our Wi-Fi hotspot lending program with a Lewistown Public Library card that is in good standing (i.e. library card is not blocked due to unpaid fines or lost material).

The Library is not responsible for any liability, damages or expense resulting from use or misuse of the device, connection of the device to other electronic devices, or data loss resulting from use of device.

Any use of the device for illegal purpose, unauthorized copying of copyright-protected material in any format, or transmission of threatening, harassing, defamatory or obscene materials is strictly prohibited.

This program is made possible through the Montana State Library.


To checkout a Wi-Fi Hotspot, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. You must be at least 18 years old. Parents/guardians are responsible for hotspots used by underage patrons.
  2. You must have a valid email address and working phone number.
  3. You must not have internet access at home.
  4. Your library account must be established and in good standing, with no outstanding library fines.
  5. The LPL reserves the right to refuse service to patrons who abuse equipment or who are repeatedly late in returning electronic devices.

Please review the following rules concerning checkout of a Wi-Fi Hotspot:

  1. Wi-Fi Hotspots are available at the circulation desk.
  2. Holds may be placed on Hotspots. You will receive an email notification when you device is ready to checkout.
  3. This policy must be read and signed before a hotspot is checked out.
  4. Once a hotspot is checked out to a patron, it becomes the responsibility of that patron per this policy.
  5. Hotspots may be borrowed for 1 week.
  6. Hotspots may be renewed as long as no one else has requested it.
  7. The overdue cost for the device is $1 per day the item is overdue. Please note, devices are automatically deactivated on the due date and will not work until the item is returned to the library.


  1. Hotspots must be returned in person to the circulation desk. Do not return hotspots to another library or in the library book drop.
  2. All components of the hotspots kit must be returned at the same time. The hotspot will be considered late until all parts of the kit are returned.
  3. If damage to the device is discovered by library staff, these costs will be added to the patron’s account.
  4. If the hotspot is not returned, the borrower will be charged a $120 replacement cost for a lost device.

What’s in the kit?

  1. 1 Hotspot device
  2. 1 Charging cable

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