In the 1880s, Lewistown and Reedsfort were located within ½ mile of each other. Reedsfort was located on Casino Creek Drive where the old Reedsfort Post Office now stands. Both hamlets gradually grew into one town (Lewistown). At Reedsfort, Frank Day and Jacob Holzemer had a wagon and blacksmith shop on this property. In 1925, Frank Day donated the land which included the Reedsfort Post Office and the land where the swimming pool is now to the city of Lewistown.

The Reedsfort Post Office is the log building in the foreground.
(Sketch is from the book: “History of Montana, 1739-1885” by Michael Leeson).

It was built in 1883 by Frank Day and Jacob Holzemer.
It was moved to Lewistown in 1886 on the corner of Main and 4th Ave. North.

An addition was put on in 1889. It was located on the corner of Main Street
and 4th Ave. North (where the American Legion is now).

and 4th Ave North (the buildings with balconies).
The Hotel was torn down in 1949.