A Word From LPL Director Dani Buehler

In order to help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Lewistown Public Library will remain closed until both public health officials and the local and state governments advise to reopen. The Lewistown Public Library is proud to be at the heart of Central Montana and an active community meeting space. But unfortunately, at this time, this quality means that we are also on the front lines of the spreading virus. Therefore, we are taking proactive steps to stop the spread.

The decision to close the Library is a very difficult one. We know that we provide not only a good book to read but also a place to meet your neighbor and interact with our amazing community. This decision was not made lightly by our Trustees and Director but a closure is in the best interest of our staff, and the public. The Library needs to help the community and right now that means remaining closed.

The Lewistown Public Library wants to ensure that even if you cannot physically visit your Library, you will have as much access as possible to our services during and after COVID-19. Here is how the Library will continue to serve you:

  • All materials currently checked out will not be due back until we reopen
  • Any requested items held at the closed Library will remain on hold for you until the Library reopens
  • Want to talk books – CALL US at 406-538-5212! Staff will be available to chat books via phone Tuesday – Friday, 10 am – 4 pm
  • You will have 24hr access to digital materials – including eBooks and eAudiobooks through MontanaLibrary2Go.com on your desktop or through the Libby or Overdrive app all of which are free
  • We will work to make sure we have fun tutorials for each of those platforms posted soon to both our website and our Facebook page
  • Get questions answered by staff via phone Tuesday – Friday, 10 am – 4 pm
  • Our bookdrop is currently closed. Please keep your materials at home. There is no need to return items until further notice

Rest assured, the staff will continue to work hard behind the scenes cleaning, organizing, and tackling special projects so that we will be ready to greet this wonderful community when we reopen.

Photo courtesy Lewistown Public Library.
For more local historic photos visit the Montan Memory Project at https://mtmemory.org/digital/custom/home/#/

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