Love is in the air… by Dani Buehler

Do you love the Library? I hope the answer is, Of Course! The Lewistown Public Library is one of those very special places for so many of our community members. The Library is a place of safe welcome and intellectual discovery. The Library continues to offer vital services while maintaining a quiet authority in a world often overwhelmed by noise. Our crucial services are supported by an intricate and ever-growing network of key players. Primarily, our local governments, both Fergus County and the City of Lewistown, have dedicated funds and assistance to maintain the vital services provided by the Library.

Secondly, the staff at the Library devote hours to collection maintenance, inspired program creation, and genuine patron assistance. In addition to the time staff dedicates to daily services, they also engage with the statewide library community through collaboration and training.

Additionally, the Friends of the Library help make the LPL one of the best libraries in the state. The FOL champion and advocate the Library and her services. They tirelessly work to provide funds for a variety of library needs; from technology upgrades to program presenters, from building remodels to security, the Friends have cemented themselves as a truly foundational Library partner.

Lastly, but not leastly, there exists a body created to ensure the preservation of library services into the future. This entity is the Lewistown Public Library Board of Trustees. Each Board member dedicates themselves to the governing of the Library in a way that guards our cherished traditions while advocating for a sustained and diverse future. The Library Board promotes the Library within our community and the greater statewide community. They also represent the interests and needs of each of those communities. The Library enjoys a diverse and steadfast support network. A network, for which we truly are grateful.

But, back to my original question, do you love the Library? I bet you do, but how do you show that support? A great way to show support is to become an active participant in any of these partners. Be an active and engaged member of the public by attending local government meetings. Visit the library, attend library programming, and get to know the generous and knowledgeable Library staff. Become a Friends of the Library member and support the Library with an amazing group of people. Or, think about applying to be a Library Trustee and ensure a bright future for Lewistown and our amazing Library.

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