Surprise it is my turn to do the blog, and I haven’t been planning a theme for this month. Oh, dear! So here are the books I’ve been reading and the reason I’m reading them and why I’ve enjoyed them. Maybe you will too.
“The Haunting of Hill House“ by Shirley Jackson – I was reading book reviews and I saw where several famous authors (Stephen King etc.) listed this book as their favorite scary book of all times. What would Stephen King find scary about this book? It has the atmospheric big creepy house, filled with strangers who are all there to study paranormal activity and then things start happening. I can see how this book might have influenced some of King’s writing but it is not freighting. It is a psychological study of human interaction but it is so well written. A scary good read!
“Mice“ by Gordon Reece – I’m trying to make room on my over stuffed fiction shelves by getting rid of books that no one is reading. We have so many series of books that the poor little stand alone book is always a target for discarding. I took “Mice” home with me to see why no one wants to read this book. Perhaps, the unfortunate title “Mice” might have something to do with it. My cats hissed at me and pounced on the book when I got home. I explained to them it isn’t about real mice but a mother and daughter who feel like mice hiding away from life in an ugly house on a twisty road in the beautiful uninhabited countryside of England. The teenage daughter has been scarred both physically and emotionally by a year of being bullied at school. The mother has just gone through a divorce. Both are fragile and feeling defenseless until one night when life comes creaking up their stairs and everything starts to change. This would make such a good book club read. It is topical with lots of what ifs to discuss. “Mice” the book is back on the shelf please check it out.
“It’s Me: the serial killer you never heard of… ” by John Cameron – A patron brought this book back and raved about how good it is. Even though I’m the fiction person in the library I enjoy reading nonfiction books too and especially true crime books. The author is from Great Falls Montana and he thinks he has solved the puzzles that the killer left behind. He spells it all out and follows all the leads and timelines. Could just one person be responsible for all these murders and unsolved crimes? It is fascinating and it would close the book on many of the famous unsolved murders if only he could get the F.B.I. and other agencies to take a second look at these cases. He also explains why they probably never will reopen this can of worms. The TV show Criminal Minds isn’t exactly how law enforcement works in real life apparently. People with enquiring minds will enjoy this book, it is very interesting.