This year’s Author Dinner on Wednesday, May 16 was a fantastic success. Library supporters enjoyed an evening at the Elks Club to socialize, participate in a silent auction, dine and listen to the featured author present about his most recent novel.
Mark Sullivan, author of “Beneath A Scarlet Sky”, openly shared about his inspiration to be an author. Sullivan revealed that his 10-year journey to write this novel was his life’s best work. This story, Sullivan felt, presented itself to him at the perfect time, and he was happy to share how it came about.
Sullivan’s passion for this story and his experience was apparent. He has made life-long friends during his experience and ultimately felt it was a life-saver. Sullivan shared that “Beneath A Scarlet Sky” is in the works of becoming a television series. Congratulations to Sullivan!
Lewistown is very fortunate to have hosted Sullivan and to have him share the origin of “Beneath A Scarlet Sky”. The evening closed with a question-and-answer session and a book signing.
Many thanks to all who came out and welcomed our guest author. A sold-out event made for an extra fabulous crowd and successful fundraiser. All proceeds from this fundraiser go toward the Library Collection. The Library staff is grateful for the community’s enthusiastic support.