Winds of Change by Dani Buehler

I am going to give you a little disclaimer before you read this. I am not going to talk about books at all. I am sorry about this, but, my state of mind has inhibited my ability to focus and discuss a book, let alone, many books.

Do you ever have those times in your life when you just can’t focus? I bet so. This simple reality of an unfocused mind has been mine for the past week. There are many reasons for this scattered state but the most prominent is upcoming change. Yes, the winds of change are blowing, and my mind has been swept up in the kinetic energy of it all. Many things around these parts are changing but the most prominent is the unassuming change of the seasons. We made it to Spring guys! Truly, Spring is in the air, the earth’s promise of rebirth has yet again been renewed. This past Winter, which literally was a bear, took hold of our souls and only very recently released us.

Nevertheless, Spring finally came to Central Montana. The trees are budding, the daffodils are standing tall, and the entire community has let out a collective sigh of relief. The reprieve offered from this moment of breath ends all too quickly, though, doesn’t it? I often begin to ramp up this time of year, so many activities left undone over the Winter and so many travels left untraveled. The changing of the seasons means time to do and that to-do list gets long, quick. And, in no time at all, the burden of our to-do lists weigh heavy. But we must remember to breath. We must remember to embrace our need for breath and connection. Therefore, I offer up this simple reminder for mindfulness. Enjoy the beauty and the power of a flower opening its delicate petals to the sun and relish in that moment of calm. Be here. Be now.


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