Summer At The Library By Dani Buehler

There is a quiet hum running through the library and it’s not the bobcat tearing up the sidewalk outside. It is a subtle anticipation, a quiet before the storm… our Summer Reading Program is upon us. We have already had a few enthusiastic patrons come in to solicit start dates and activities. And we librarians, have been waiting with baited breath, excited to unveil our program. The behemoth we call “The Summer Reading Program” (SRP) is a jam-packed eight week program that we have wrestled with for months. We are slightly nervous but mostly energized when we think about the slew of upcoming events and faces that will come and visit us in the next weeks.

This summer we are going to “BUILD A BETTER WORLD” at the Library. And build we will. Each week, patrons will have a variety of activities in which to participate. These events will take place both at the library and around Lewistown. We have reached out to the local manufacturing community and arranged to tour facilities like HCR, Hi-Heat, and Spika. Along with these tours, we have also invited Allied Steel, local craftsman, and the News Argus to come and be guest presenters at our weekly Imaginations Stations. We will also have joint programming with the Art Center and Lewistown Public Works. Additionally, a touring theater group, The Agile Rascals, is coming to present a unique theater experience at the library. Lastly, but not leastly, ? we will have a robotics lab for ages 7 -12. To top things off, we will also offer a tracked reading option with corresponding prizes. Whew!

All I can say, is that, as you enjoy your lazy/crazy days of summer make sure to stop by the library. We will be rocking-and-rolling and would love to show you all the fun we have at the Library during the summer.


“Build A Better World” artwork by Director KellyAnne Terry

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