A Fools Crow Coincidence by Kari Albertson-Denison


A Fools Crow coincidence? I think not. I decided to read Fools Crow a few weeks back as I was visiting with my son’s English teacher for parent-teacher conferences. We were discussing the upcoming reading assignments and up next was to read Fools Crow by James Welch. I thought it’d be a good bonding opportunity to read the book along with my son. I immediately checked out the novel and started reading.
When Solomon spotted the novel on our coffee table, he asked with a grin who was reading it and I proudly informed him it was me. Then he wondered if I had known he was reading it for English. Once he knew I intentionally chose to read Fools Crow alongside him, he seemed complimented. Ever since, Solomon checks to see where I’m at and has even told me to pick up the pace, as I was behind the class.
On November 18 (and while I’m reading Fool’s Crow), Google’s doodle was in honor of James Welch’s birthday and National Native American Heritage Month. Welch was a Cherokee/Gros Ventre writer. When I discovered the honorary mention online, I felt that reading Fools Crow at this point in time was meant to be.
Other works by James Welch at the library include: Winter in the Blood, The death of Jim Loney, The Indian Lawyer, Killing Custer : the Battle of the Little Bighorn and the fate of the Plains Indians, The Heartsong of Charging Elk and Riding the Earthboy 40 [electronic resource].

Artwork by: Sophie Diao

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