Happenings 5-10-16

bird pic

New Fiction list:

“Lilac Girls” by Martha Hall Kelly

“The Obsession” by Nora Roberts

“Miller Valley” by Anna Quindlen

“Black River” by S.M. Hulse

“Family Jewels” by Stuart Woods

“Most Wanted” by Lisa Scottoline

Programs and Events:

Author Dinner-

Just one week until this year’s author dinner featuring Peter Stark, author of Astoria. May 18, 2016.  Also a big thank you to all who have and will be contributing to the silent auction items.

Pink Ribbon Month-

We are promoting Pink Ribbon Month for the month of May. Come in and check out a pink book to help support Breast and Cervical Cancer Awareness in Central Montana. See pictures on our facebook page.

Summer Reading Program

Planning has begun and it’s looking like a summer full of fun. Our Adult Program will be Exercise Your Mind. Read! And our Youth Program is Get in the Game!

Board of Directors

Next meeting is May 12, 2016 at 2 p.m.

May Non-Fiction Display: ALL ABOUT BIRDS! Come see and enjoy the books on this topic. 

We love our volunteers! Volunteer highlight!

Each week Joyce Swanz and Donna Dengel make their invaluable help available to us. We truly do not know what we would do without them. Joyce helps at the front desk in circulation for two shifts per week while Donna helps out in the stacks by re-shelving books for us.
These two lovely ladies are just a few of the folks who make your Library so great!






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