Happenings 3/9/2015


Library Board Trustee Applications due March 13
There is a current opening for a Trustee beginning in April. A job description can be picked up at the Library. If interested, please send a letter of intent explaining your qualifications and interest to Kevin Myhre City Manager, by Friday, March 13. The best candidate will be appointed by the City Commission at the regular March 17th meeting. If you have questions, please contact Director KellyAnne Terry at 538-5212.

Author Dinner
Mark your calendar for Wed., May 20 for the 5th Annual Author Dinner fund raiser. Montana author Malcolm Brooks will be our guest speaker. Brooks’ debut novel, “Painted Horses,” has received starred reviews and was awarded the Fall 2014 Barnes and Noble Discover Great New Writers selection, the 2014 National Reading Group Month Selection and is #22 on Amazon’s 100 Best Books of 2014.
Tickets go on sale the first week of April. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Library.

Game Supplies Needed
We are in need of copies of the child’s board game “Guess Who?” It has faces that flip up. Donations of this game would be greatly appreciated.

Baby—Pre-school Story Time
Story Times for Babies & Toddlers, and Pre-school & Kindergarten-aged children will be held Friday, March 13, 20, and 27 at 10:15 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Babies and Toddlers meet with Nancy Bostrom in the upstairs meeting room. The older children meet with Lora Poser-Brown in the downstairs youth area

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