Happenings 9/8/2014


The Library Board will meet Thursday, September 11 at 2:00 p. m. in the upstairs meeting room. The public is welcome.

After Hours Outside Book Drop
We empty the book drop once a day, just before we open in the morning. To avoid overdue fines, please bring your immediately due items inside during business hours. If you are unable to return an item by its due date, either call and ask to renew or renew it through your online account at www.lewistownlibrary.org. Fines accrue at $.10 per day—easy to pay if caught early, much harder if ignored.

Help us make your tax dollars go farther by keeping our items in circulation. That means returning them on time and paying for them when lost. Every title that we have to replace is one less new title for all to enjoy. Thanks for helping us serve you better.

Montana Repertory Theatre
Please mark your calendar, Sunday, October 4. The Montana Repertory Theatre will present “Once Upon a Time in Ancient Greece; Stheno’s Descent into the Underworld” a comedy by Laramie Dean. More details available in the upcoming weeks.

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