Happenings 4/9/14

Notary Assistance

In need of getting a document notarized, especially on a Saturday or after 5:00 p.m.? Staff member Nancy Sackett is qualified to provide this service. Library hours are 9:00 a.m. — 6:00 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 10:00 a.m – 2:00 p.m. on Saturdays. Please call 538-5212 to be sure of Nancy’s availability.

Address Verification

Beginning April 1, all new library card applicants must verify their physical and mailing addresses. Addresses may be verified with one of the following current items: a valid MT Driver’s license, a piece of official correspondence such as a rent receipt, a voter registration card, a utility bill or a property tax statement. Children under age 18 applying for a card will need similar documentation from a parent or legal guardian. Fergus County resident’s cards are free. All others will be required to pay the out-of-county fee.

Library Board

The April meeting of the Library Board of Trustees has been rescheduled to April 17.

Special Library Event April 17

Montana Shakespeare in the Parks’ elementary schools tour, Montana Shakes! will perform “All the West’s a Stage: What Country, Friends?,” a 30-minute play showcasing scenes from Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night.” The Play will be followed by a short presentation on Montana Shakespeare in the Parks. Children are welcome and encouraged to attend. The visit to the Library is in conjunction with the troupe’s presentation to Lewis and Clark Elementary School the same day. Join us in the upstairs meeting room April 17 at 6:00 p.m.

Pete Fromm Headlines May 14 Author Dinner

Tickets for the 4th Annual Author Dinner Fundraiser, May 14, are on sale at the Library or from any Library Board Trustee. Seating is limited so please reserve early!

Sponsored by Hi-Heat Industries and the Friends of the Lewistown Library, the no-host cocktail hour, silent auction and catered dinner with Pete Fromm will be held at the Elks Club.

Montana author Pete Fromm is a 4X winner of the Pacific Northwest Booksellers Award for his novels “As Cool as I Am,” “How This All Started,” “Dry Rain” and “Indian Creek Chronicles.” Copies are available for checkout from the Library.

Headphones at the Library

The Library is no longer providing headphones for public use. If you wish to listen to a computer program you will need to provide your own headphone set. This includes the computers and CD player in the youth area.

Sampler of Titles New to the Library

Adult Non-Fiction: “The Fishing Fleet: Husband-Hunting in the Raj” by Anne De Courcy; “Operation Paperclip: the Secret Intelligence Program That Brought Nazi Scientists to America” by Annie Jacobsen; “Love Where You Live: at Home in the Country” by Joan Osofsky; “Six Women of Salem: the Untold Story of the Accused and Their Accusers in the Salem Witch Trials” by Marilynne K. Roach; “Young Money: Inside the Hidden World of Wall Street’s Post-crash Recruits” by Kevin Roose; and “All Joy and No Fun: the Paradox of Modern Parenthood” by Jennifer Senior.

Children’s Non-Fiction: “Daughters of Two Nations” by Peggy Caravantes; and “Super Simple Things to do with Temperature: Fun and Easy Science for Kids” by Kelly Doudna.

Additional titles may be viewed at http://lewistownlibrary.org by clicking on “Catalog” and “New Arrivals.”

Baby—Pre-school Story Time

Story Times for Babies & Toddlers, and Pre-school & Kindergarten-aged children will be held on Friday April 18 and 25 at 10:15 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Babies and Toddlers meet with Nancy Bostrom in the upstairs meeting room. The older children meet with Lora Poser-Brown in the downstairs youth area.

Library Services

24-hour Wireless access; Internet access to the Library Catalog, EBSCO periodical database, local Historical Photographic Archive, Montana Library 2 Go audio books and eBooks, HeritageQuest Online; Inter-Library Loan service with $3.00 postage fee, Library cards free to all Fergus County residents; Genealogy Research; free meeting room available to non-profit groups; Summer Reading Program for youth and adults, Notary Public service available by appointment.

Library hours are 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Tuesday – Friday, and Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. We are closed Sunday and Monday. Contact us by phone at 406-538-5212, or e-mail library@lewistownlibrary.org. Our card catalog may be viewed on our webpage: www.lewistownlibrary.org as well as our downloadable audio books, e-books, and Heritage Quest Online.

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