Internet Policy


  1. The Lewistown Public Library offers Internet access with the proviso that the user agrees to be socially responsible in what they view.  Viewing sexually explicit material, illegal or obscene material on the Internet is prohibited. Pursuant to Montana Code Annotated Section 45-8-201 person commits the criminal offense of obscenity (as defined in Montana Code Annotated Section 45-8-201.3) when, with the knowledge of the obscene nature thereof, s/he purposely or knowingly exhibits or otherwise makes available anything obscene to anyone under the age of 18.  A person convicted of the offense of obscenity shall be fined at least $500 but not more than $1,000 or imprisoned in the county jail for a term not to exceed 6 months, or both. Violators of the law will be prosecuted.

The individual user, in signing up to use a computer with Internet access accepts this responsibility, agreeing to be socially responsible in its use within the public library setting.

  1. The Library upholds and affirms the right of each individual to have access to constitutionally protected material. The Library assumes no control over the content of the Internet.


  1. The Library affirms the right and responsibility of parents to determine and monitor their children’s use of Library materials and resources. The Library staff does not act “in loco parentis” and will not monitor a juvenile’s access to the Internet except within the parameters stated in the terms of use.


  1. By use of the Library’s systems the user agrees that the Library assumes no liability for any loss or damage to the user’s data and software or hardware or for any other liability for damage or injury arising from the Library’s provision of the service or consequence arising therefrom. Users indemnify and hold harmless the Lewistown Public Library, the City of Lewistown and Fergus County against any liability for damage or loss arising from use or misuse of the services provided by or through the Library.


  1. Library users are prohibited from violating copyright law, theft, violating other’s privacy, deliberately crashing Library computer systems, modifying files without authorization, altering data, disrupting network services, introducing viruses or other damaging material or other illegal acts.


  1. If abuse of computers or network systems occurs those responsible will be held legally accountable. Misuse of library computer or network resources may constitute trespass or disruptive behavior, both of which carry legal consequences under the Ordinances of the City of Lewistown and Montana State Law.



In an effort to ensure that the use of this medium is consistent with the Mission of the Lewistown Public Library the following regulations shall apply:

  1. Internet access on public access machines will be limited to a 1-hour time limit per day before 3:00 p.m. or a ½ hour time limit per day after 3:00 p.m. Patrons must sign up at the front desk.


  1. Only one person per workstation is allowed in the Circulation Area because of space and noise constraints. Two persons are allowed to share a computer work station in the Youth Services Lab.


  1. No food or drink is allowed by the computers. Containers must be placed away from the computer tables.



The Internet, as an information resource, enables the Lewistown Public Library to provide information beyond the confines of its own collection.  It allows access to ideas, information, and commentary from around the globe and a vast array of tools and resources for different age levels and points of view.  The Library does not endorse the viewpoints or vouch for the accuracy of information obtained through the Internet.


Adopted by the Library Board of Trustees April 2018

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