A couple weeks back, a patron approached the front desk with an inquiry. The individual was looking for a specific book and needed help finding it. I searched the card catalog for the title that she was seeking. Fortunately, the book was located in the catalog, but it was checked out. I asked the patron if she wanted the book to be placed on hold for her so when it was returned to the library she would receive a phone call that the book was back and waiting to be picked up at the front desk. Satisfied, the patron requested the title be put on hold under her account. As our conversation unfolded, I learned the patron was in search of this specific title as she had just learned her grandson was reading it for his class in another state and she wanted to read along with him. I was elated and could relate with this patron. Feeling compelled to share about my similar experience, I opened up and talked about reading books with my son’s class a few years back. Reading with my son’s class was so meaningful to me that I wrote a blog about it in November 2016.
While I was attending parent teacher conferences Fall 2016, my son’s English teacher reviewed the class reading assignments for that semester and several interesting books were listed on the syllabus. At this moment, I decided I would read two of the novels along with my son (he did not know of my plan). The experience proved positive. The moment my son spied a library copy of “Fools Crow” by James Welsch on our coffee table at home and learned I was reading it along with his class was priceless. The entire experience was memorable and very rewarding. We read and expanded together. My son even prompted me to pick up the pace when I fell behind the reading schedule. My “homework” wasn’t done when I finished “Fools Crow” as next up was “The Great Gatsby” by Scott Fitzgerald. These moments of children’s education have potential to go beyond the student, having a rippling effect.
Reading with your grandchild, teen or to young children has great benefits: build imagination, gain cultural awareness, engage in conversation, teach by example, boost self-esteem, connect to education, entertain, bond, and more. If you have the opportunity, I highly recommend reading with your grandchild or child’s class assignments or independent reading. The experience will surely delight. Engage the child. Be the example.
*Visit the library website at lewistownlibrary.org and click Librarian Connect to access Librarian blogs or request a personalized reading recommendation.