“Be Thankful and Carry On” By Kari Denison

Welcome November!  This is the month designated to celebrate gratitude and thankfulness, which inspired me to reflect and share what I am most thankful at this moment in my life.

First and foremost and always, I am thankful for my family, the pulse of my existence.  I am ever so grateful and committed to the colorful tribe I was blessed with as my family.  Family makes the world go around!

Secondly, I’m thankful for freedom of speech.  This is also the backbone of my career and the very essence of my opportunity to share about library happenings and occasionally recommend a book or two.  The First Amendment protects our right to assemble, express, petition, and religion.  Amen!

Naturally, I am thankful for my health, good fortune and the wonderful community which I call home.  I make every attempt to celebrate and count my blessings all year long.

Last but not least: stories.  Stories are everywhere.  Life is a story.  Some of the best library stories don’t lie within a book, but I have a few non-fiction books that I favor and that I’m most thankful for:

“The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom” by Miguel Ruiz is exactly what the title states – a great guidebook to live responsibly with high morals.  The book offers four essential ways of thinking that are almost obvious acts but at the same time challenging to live. I love it and am about to read it again.

“Yoga: Path to Holistic Health by B.K.S. Iyengar is the Bible of yoga books.  The book has great step-by-step pose illustrations and recommends specific exercise for most ailments.  This is my all-time go-to yoga book since I was turned on to yoga 20-plus years ago.

“Tuesdays With Morrie: An Old Man, A Young Man, and Life’s Greatest Lesson” by Mitch Albom takes the reader inside an intimate discussion between a reunited mentor and student.  This biography focuses on how to live well while also tugging at the heartstrings.

“The New Farm Vegetarian Cookbook” by (Editors) Louise Hagler and Dorothy R. Bates has been my go-to cookbook for decades.  This unique cookbook focuses on vegetarian fare and touches on nutrition, making soy products and communal living.  This item is available through interlibrary loan (my personal copy is still holding together).

What are you most thankful for?

Count your blessings and be merry!

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