Clifford The Big Red Dog Day! Tuesday, JUNE 13

 Who let the dog out?! Who?! Who?!

Clifford The Big Red Dog is OUT and will be at the library on June 13 to kick off the Summer Reading Program!

The staff is super excited to have Clifford in the library and be a part of our summer fun!

This year’s Summer Reading Program theme is “Building a Better World,” a theme Clifford will help us celebrate by working with the kids on a handful of activities during this special kick-off event. Engaging activities for the kids include building towers, bridge construction, paper bag houses, magnetic tiles and interlocking cardboard tiles.

Want to get your picture taken with Clifford?  Done!  Picture time with The Big Red Dog will be offered. Want to read ahead and prepare for Clifford’s visit?  We have a number of Clifford books by Norman Bridwell at the library:  Clifford At the Circus; Clifford’s Kitten; Clifford’s Christmas; Clifford’s Halloween; Clifford’s Manners; Clifford the Firehouse Dog; Clifford Goes to Washington; Clifford’s Birthday Party; Clifford’s Good Deeds, Clifford Gets a Job; Clifford. Where is the big red doggie?; and Clifford Goes to Hollywood.

We’ll be having a doggone good time at Clifford the Big Red Dog Day on Tuesday, June 13 at 2 p.m. to begin Summer Reading events.  Registration for the Summer Reading Program begins June 13 and takes place for the duration of the eight-week summer program.

Clifford The Big Red Dog Day at the library is hosted by Montana PBS.  For more information, please contact the library at 538-5212.

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