“It takes a village to raise a child” – African Proverb. And it also takes a village to sustain a Library.
The library ‘tribe’ is huge. Numerous individuals and groups unconditionally volunteer their time to help the library thrive. The Library Board of Directors work on a volunteer basis, as do the Friends of the Library. We also have RSVP volunteers, parents, grandparents and Elders that come in and give their time to help the library thrive.
The Library Board of Directors is comprised of a dedicated group of individuals that give countless hours to guide and oversee the library. These folks are truly committed to the Library’s mission and give tremendously throughout their term.
Many community folks donate books for the Book Station Book Sales. The Friends of the Library handle all the donated items and sell them at the Book Station. Proceeds from these sales help support the library’s Summer Reading Program: purchasing supplies, funding upkeep/beautification and sponsoring events/fundraisers. The Friends are highly involved in library happenings and we are very grateful for their hard work and commitment.
We also have dedicated volunteers and RSVP folks that work on a weekly basis. These folks give hours and hours of their time to shelf, help patrons locate and check out materials. Many of these fine folks are also involved with the Friends of the Library and/or Board of Directors.
To top it off, we have the greatest volunteers stepping up and leading story times on Fridays and during the Summer Reading Program. These folks enthusiastically give their time and energy for the young ones in our community. The Summer Reading Program partners and sponsors make many of our programming possible in the summer and we are incredibly thankful for their contributions.
The Library’s biggest fundraiser of the year recently took place and our volunteers stepped up on a whole new level. With the help of these volunteers, our 7th Annual Author Dinner was a smashing success!
“Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much”. Helen Keller
It is absolutely amazing what the Library ‘village’ volunteers do for our community. We are very grateful for all you do! Thank you!