HUMANS BEING By The Stereotypical Librarian

being human

Curious minds want to know what other humans are doing and thinking, that is humans being human, I guess. When your curiosity is peaked you really shouldn’t eavesdrop or be a peeping Tom because that is just so creepy and possible breaking laws. Suffering from curious mind? No problem, read a book and here are a few fiction titles about humans being human that I enjoyed without getting arrested in the process.

Behind Closed Doors written by B.A. Paris this is a page turner of a book with many twists and traps.

The Couple Next Door written by Shari Lapena keeps you guessing and reading to find out what happens next.

The Last Days of Night written by Graham Moore weaves history with fiction as we discover Thomas Edison, George Westinghouse, and Tesla three scientists and inventors who literally turned on the light for the rest of humanity. Find out who invented the Light Bulb. How many lawyers does it take to shine a light?

Where’d You Go, Bernadette written by Maria Semple is funny. You get to peek into the lives of Microsoft employees. These folks are modern day scientists and inventors who control the information you receive as opposed to just the light. Very interesting and funny.

We Could Be Beautiful written by Swan Huntley is also funny as it reveals the things we value most in modern society.

The Third Wife written by Lisa Jewell will keep you guessing about what really happened plus the humans in the book learn something new about themselves. That doesn’t happen often in books or in real life so refreshing.

After reading all these books and you are still curious? Biographies are next.

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