Project: Craft Fever By KellyAnne Terry, Director

KellyAnne's weave

We may be out of the cold, but it may still be awhile before spring comes our way.  Now is the time to do indoor projects that you can enjoy all year long – paint that old desk, try your hand at knitting or weaving, whip up some crafts or art to make your abode just a little more comfortable.  At the Library, we have an array of items to help you with your project, give you some colorful ideas or just whisk you away from it all in a daydream of lovely surroundings.

If decorating and home improvement is your thing, we have several new books that might be of interest.  A Touch of Farmhouse Charm: Easy DIY Projects to Add a Warm and Rustic Feel to Any Room by Liz Fourez provides easy handmade decoration ideas to add warm and coziness to your space.  For a little adventure and thinking-outside-the-box repurposing, you might try Junk Gypsy: Designing a Life at the Crossroads of Wonder & Wander by the famous Texas sisters, Amie and Jolie Sikes, who started the Junk Gypsy brand. Another edgy book with beautiful, layered aesthetics is The New Bohemians: Cool & Collected Homes by Justina Blakeney.  The colors alone will take away those doldrums of winter.

Maybe now is the time to learn something new, and you just need a little inspiration (and a little how-to). We have lots of those books as well, including the newest trend – weaving.  We have two new books in this area, On the Loom: A Modern Weaver’s Guide by MaryAnne Moodie and DIY Woven Art:  Inspiration and Instruction for Handmade Wall Hangings, Rugs, Pillows and More! By Rachel Denbow.  Both authors give lots of assistance in making and using looms, weaving techniques and notes on supplies.  I admit I have perused these two volumes thoroughly and find them readable and motivating.

If the commitment of learning a new skill freaks you out, don’t worry!  In the foyer of the Library we have many magazines with a variety of subjects from home to hobby to general interest, history and self-help.  These magazines are free and you can take and return as you please, giving you a chance to browse at your leisure. Of course, if all else fails there is always Pinterest – and you can come check it out on our updated public computers and spend some time out of the house. And presto! You no longer have cabin fever but project craft fever!

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