December … really? By Dani Buehler


December….really?  By Dani Buehler

Can you believe that 2016 is coming to a close already? In life, it seems like the moment you get used to something being a certain way, it will invariably change. This propensity for instability has always been one of my favorite things about this world we live in. Without it, I would have never met my husband, moved back to Lewistown, had my beautiful son Nels (and the son coming in January), or been given the monumental career opportunity to be the Youth Services Librarian here at the LPL. I will let you in on a little secret…. I LOVE MY JOB! This past year has been amazing. Story times, Summer Reading Program, day-to-day interactions with Lewistown’s finest (the kiddos of course) has really made this year one of the best in my books.

And speaking of books, I wanted to take this time to give a year in review of my favorite reads from 2016. I was introduced to so many great picture books this year, seeing as I hadn’t visited this genre for a good 25 years. The standouts included Oh No, Astro by Matt Roeser, a very clever re-imagination of an asteroids collision with Earth. And, The Night Gardener by the Fan Brothers because everyone needs a little whimsy and neighborly goodness. Lastly I will choose, Good Morning Yoga by Miriam Gates and Book of Babies by Il Sung Na, both of these have tremendous illustrations and simply wonderful stories.

For a middle read, I loved the new series by Cassandra Clare and Holly Black, The Magisterium. So far, this series has captured my imagination by upending the notion of what is good and what is evil. The world built by these authors is inhabited with superb characters and breathtakingly unique underground environments. I truly enjoy this series and recommend it often.

Lastly, the books coming out of the young adult realm continue to delight and challenge. Right now, I am reading Six of Crows by Leah Bardugo. In a very Ocean’s Eleven sort of way, this suspenseful book has really hooked me and I am loving, trying to guess, how Kaz does it. And in conclusion, I must add Dreaming In Indian. This title was published in Canada and is a compilation of artistic works created by Native and First Nations artists. The book is beautiful and offers a portrayal of both urban and rural Native Americans using art to express their unique cultural perspectives as they bridge their modern lives with their venerated cultural traditions.


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