Let’s Go to the Park!
by KellyAnne Terry, Executive Director
On June 7 we kick of the Summer Reading Program here at the Lewistown Public Library. This year’s theme is Health/Fitness and Wellness. The title theme for the kids is “Get in the Game: Read!” and for the adults it is “Exercise your Mind: Read!” We have lots planned for all age groups so we hope that you will come in and check it out. This year we plan to do many activities outside or at least talk about the outdoors if the weather doesn’t cooperate. We have our popular Scavenger Hunt, an Olympic night and trail walk for the kids, a professional writer/adventurer talking about the World’s National Parks and much more.
I love nature. So I am very pleased that we will be highlighting many things to do in Central Montana as well as places to visit in the many books we have in our library. This year marks the 100th Anniversary of the National Park Service, with the actual date being August 25, 2106. The National Park Service is fully aware of the stewardship provided by prominent Americans over the years, and they are proud to discuss and show the many parks and services on their website – www.nps.gov. The website says, “The National Parks are uniquely American. The agency today manages a range of cultural sites including monuments, parkways, battlefields, cemeteries, and recreation areas. This rich variety has created a portfolio of over 390 parks, all with their own special contribution to the American story.”
We will also have items available at the Library for our patrons to delve deeper into the history and beauty of our National Parks. Ken Burns did a remarkable film titled, The National Parks: America’s Best Idea. This documentary film shows both the majestic cinematic beauty of the many American National Parks as well as the history and conservation that has led to what they are today. Many people are aware of the impact a certain family named Roosevelt had on our parks, and the Library is offering New York Times Bestselling author Douglas Brinkley’s well-researched take on Franklin D. Roosevelt’s role in creating American’s National Parks in Rightful Heritage: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Land of America. Of course, we can’t mention one without the other, and Douglas Brinkley also brings us The Wilderness Warrior: Theodore Roosevelt and the Crusade for America. For a more local view, try Women in Wonderland: Lives, Legends and Legacies of Yellowstone National Park by Elizabeth A. Watry. Finally, we have several fiction authors writing about our parks but Christine Cabo’s new mystery series about Glacier Park is not to be missed. This Montana author has written two novels – The Wild Inside and Mortal Fall both available at the Library. We hope to see you in (and out of) the Library this summer
Listen for Potential Transformation
By Kari Albertson, Library Assistant
Rising to the challenge of writing a blog for the library was a new endeavor for me. I asked myself, “What book should I blog about first?” There were so many books to choose from, I thought. Being as blogging would be a first experience for me, I decided to absorb a library format new to me: an audio book via Montana Library2Go, and make this adventure a double-decker of ‘first’ experiences.
To get started, I needed to learn how to sign in to the MT Library2Go. LaVonne was gracious enough to walk me through the process, which is fairly simple: first, get on my preferred device and go to the Lewistown Public Library website – lewistownlibrary.org – then click on the Montana Library2Go logo. Click the sign in prompt, select Lewistown Public Library and enter the library card number. Next, search and select titles to borrow for 14 days.
I felt I was already learning a valuable new skill as I signed in and I realized I’d have the library access 24/7 via my iPhone. The convenience of this format gave me joy – as I already knew I’d be able to access books at home or on my travels and basically at anytime. What a novel idea! (Pun intended).
I searched meditation, as it is an area of interest to me. Several titles came up on the screen with an image of the book: with either a headphone symbol for audio book or book symbol representing an eBook. Not only did I want this experience to be a true ‘first’, I wanted to try a new author. Eckhart Tolle had a few titles that caught my eye and even though I hadn’t taken in his work before, staff assured me that he was a leading author in the field. So I hit the borrow button and began my audio Montana Library2Go experience.
The Eckhart Tolle Audio collection includes 3 titles: The Realization of Being, Living the Liberated Life and Dealing with the Pain-Body, and Even the Sun Will Die: An Interview with Eckhart Tolle (7 hours and 23 minutes). The segments are conversations with Tolle focused on transformation. Tolle states, “Life is an unfolding of consciousness” and that spiritual growth is a process of no self and no suffering.
I greatly enjoyed the audio experience of Tolle and learning new ways of potential transformation. Tolle asks, “Are you ready to end suffering?” and offers his experience and perspective on shifting consciousness and knowing the self to end suffering, I found myself in deep thought and appreciating Tolle’s wisdom. If you are ready to try something new and welcome wellness through mindfulness and meditation, I encourage you to give Tolle a try. And if you’re the type of person who’s often on the go, the convenience of Montana Library2Go will be a satisfying option to access library materials and your need for information 24/7.
Programs and Events
Board meeting Board of Trustees meets next on June 9th, 2016.
Story time:
No Friday “Story Time” on June 3rd in preparation for the Summer Reading Program.
The Book Station:
The Book Station will be open again on June 4th from 9-2 PM and then again Wednesday, June 8th from 2-4 PM.
New in your nonfiction department:
North American Indians, by George Catlin
Beyond School Marms and Madams, by Martha Kohl
Old Age, a Beginners Guide, by Michael Kinsley
Apache Wars; the Hunt for Geronimo and the Captive Boy Who Started the Longest War in American History, by Paul Andrew Hutton
Pirate Hunters, by Robert Kurson