Happenings 10/19/2015

Know Your Librarians

Nancy Sackett 1-600px  Dan 2-600px  Nancy Bostrom  Nancy Watts2-600px  KellyAnne 1-600px
Get to know your librarians and what we like to read. Click on “Library Connect” at http://www.lewistownlibrary.org and read our monthly blog posts. Or better yet, receive your favorite librarian’s post in your email or ask for recommendations. We’re here to help you.

Library Account Status
Keep your library account up-to-date. Do we have your correct address, phone number or email address? (You can receive overdue notices via email). Are all of your items returned and any fines paid? Not sure? Want to place an item on hold? You can check/do all of these at http://www.lewistownlibrary.org. Click on “Find Books; search card catalog” and log into your account. Not sure of your pin? Call us at 538-5212 and we’ll gladly check for you.

Baby—Pre-school Story Time
Story Times for Babies & Toddlers, and Pre-school & Kindergarten-aged children Friday October 23 and 30 at 10:15 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Babies and Toddlers meet in the upstairs meeting room with Nancy Bostrom. The older children meet in the downstairs youth area with Dani Buehler.

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