Board Minutes 8/14/14

Lewistown Public Library’s Mission Statement:

“The Lewistown Public Library provides free and equal access to quality materials and services, which fulfill the educational, informational, cultural, and recreational needs of the entire community.”


2:05 PM    Call to order — roll call – Regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Tom Wojtowick, Chairperson.  Members present: Tom Wojtowick, Mary Frieze, Cathy Moser, Blanche Chapman, Marie Anderson, Ex-Officio and Commissioner Patty Turk; Director: KellyAnne Terry.


Appoint Recorder of Minutes: Lora Poser-Brown


Reading of the Mission Statement:  Marie Anderson

Revisions to the Agenda:

  • Dave Sather will not be attending the meeting.

Comments for the Good of the Library:

  • Tom was pleased that Andrew Carnegie had been moved upstairs to the Reading Room.
  • KellyAnne reported how pleased participants in the Summer Reading Program were with the entire program and the prizes awarded.
  • Mary commented on how great the AWE (Early Literacy) Station is to the youth area of the Library.
  • Mary also commented on how much she enjoys talking nonfiction with Dan Bell.

Disposition of Minutes:

  • Mary pointed out that “the” was spelled wrong in the second bullet line of the Director’s Report.
  • Cathy had a question on the difference between a Preservation Officer and a Reference Librarian. KellyAnne will talk about later in the meeting under new business but also will get a job description of the newly created Preservation Officer to the Board.
  • Mary moved to accept the July 10, 2014 regular Board meeting minutes as amended and Cathy seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Financial Reports:

  • Regular Library Financials presented and discussed.
  • KellyAnne pointed out the $2700 pass through grant from the CMF for the Early Literacy computer station.
  • Cathy was glad for the NYT Book Review renewal.
  • Blanche moved to accept the Claims paid for July, Mary seconded and the motion passed.

Director’s Report:

  • Director’s Report accepted as presented and the report is attached.
  • 2014-2015 budget allocations from the County: Letter asking for 2.5% increase has been sent to County Commissioners and preliminary budget is on Thursday, August 21 @ 2:00 p.m.
  • Summer Reading Program – very successful, 70 more kids signed up this year and 31 more adults.       Special needs children and adults also participated and the program was tailored for their enjoyment.
  • August 21, 2014 – Pie social, please bring your pie in before 6:00 p.m., Shobe will be auctioning off pies and then there will be voting for the next culture night.
  • Ky Didier (city maintenance person) pressure washed the exterior of the building and it came out really nice. Carpets have also been steam-cleaned.
  • The Library reconfigured computer stations.
  • Dave Byerly was appointed to City Commission to replace Alyssa Berry’s position.
  • Tom mentioned a call he received from a patron regarding the noise level at the front desk. KellyAnne said they would be more mindful of it and other board members were pleased to see such interaction in the library.


Friends of the Library:

Marie Anderson reported that the regular August sale brought in $900.

  • Marie posed the question of whether to paint or side the Book StationAn August 16th Book Sale will be held in conjunction with Montana Cowboy Poetry. A shuttle will bring people from the Yogo to the Book Station with a few stops on Main Street. Tom and Patty will be working the sale with Marie’s help.Commissioner’s Report:
    • Jim Hanson and Neil Philip are willing to side it, may be cheaper and more efficient, will check how liability insurance would cover them as well as RSVP
    • Jim Dullenty has asked for lead testing on the Book Station, however under EPA guidelines, a government building does not need to adhere to lead paint rules.
    • Concern over preserving the integrity and character of building.

City Commissioner’s Report:

Patty Turk reported on the City Commissioner’s meeting held August 4.

  • Large meeting due to public comment on the TIF district, Kevin did a good job explaining and answering questions. The first reading passed.
  • 5 application for commissioner, Dave Byerly was appointed.
  • New vanity plate for Lewistown is now on sale.
  • Tom reported on the Fergus County Commissioners plan to put the pool on a ballot – a flat rate no more than $35 will be assessed on each household.

Discussion with the Public:

  • None

Continuing Business: 

    • Discussion of Budget 2014/2015 – KellyAnne feels that the budget should go through fine in both the County and City allocations.
    • Windows – KellyAnne presented packets and a mock-up window to accompany the bid for the 11 upstairs windows. Specs were gone over and KellyAnne demonstrated how the window would look and work. After discussion Tom made a motion to put in place a preliminary plan to pay for the window project. The plan is to ask the Friends of the Library to pay for installation ($10,000), use $20,000 out of the Library Depreciation Fund, and allow the remaining funds ($5000) to be a target of fundraising. Patty seconded the motion and the plan passed unanimously.
      • Upcoming Events:
        • August 21, 2014 – Suffragette Panel Display Reception and Pie Social
        • October 23, 2014 – Ellen Baumler Humanities Speaker – Haunted Montana

New Business:

  • Staff Job Descriptions – Dan is at a Level III as a Reference Librarian and Nancy Watts applied and accepted the position of Preservation Officer for the Lewistown Public Library. Both are currently working in these roles.
  • ALA report by Dan Bell – Enjoyed the Library Tours, and the sessions on customer service and organizations of collections. Talked about address verification which LPL has recently implemented (different ways to do this were addressed). Went to session on Interlibrary Loan and the possibility of loaning e-books. Dan would like to try a project he learned from the Portland Library called “My Librarian” which creates an online connection with the librarians with those who patrons who mostly use online services. KellyAnne and Dan will be implementing this project over the next 6 months with the revised web site and will be doing a webinar with the Portland Library for the Montana library community sometimes in October.

Trustee Minute: None

4:08 PM Meeting adjourned.

NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING: Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. in the Upstairs Meeting Room.

Respectively Submitted: KellyAnne Terry, Director

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