“The Lewistown Public Library provides free and equal access to quality materials and services, which fulfill the educational, informational, cultural, and recreational needs of the entire community.”
2:15 PM Call to order — roll call – Regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Mary Frieze, Vice Chairperson. Members present: Mary Frieze, Cathy Moser, Blanche Chapman, and Marie Anderson, Ex-Officio; Director: KellyAnne Terry. Recorder of Minutes: Joyce Swanz. Excused: Tom Wojtowick and Commissioner Patty Turk
Reading of the Mission Statement: Marie Anderson
Revisions to the Agenda:
- None
Comments for the Good of the Library:
- Mary commented favorably on KellyAnne’s presentation at MLA
- The Library received the Excellent Library Service Award at MLA for the 2nd year
Disposition of Minutes:
- Blanche moved to accept the April 17, 2014 regular Board meeting minutes and Cathy seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Financial Reports:
- Blanche moved to accept the Claims paid for December, Mary seconded and the motion passed.
- Currently at 71% of budget
- Calvert Hotel has paid for three years of sign rental. We still need a written agreement between the Calvert and the Library for the future.
- A new cleaning/maintenance person has been hired for the City of Lewistown
- CMF interest funds are accruing – will be removed in June.
- Calvert Hotel has paid for three years of sign rental. We still need a written agreement between the Calvert and the Library for the future.
Director’s Report:
Director’s Report accepted as presented and the report is attached.
- The website is complete and will go live on Saturday, May 10.
- Montana Shared Catalog meeting in Helena showed that the cost formula is up by $650 for LPL – this will need to be budgeted in for 2014-2015.
- Historic Resources Commission: Excellence in Preservation Awards to be held May19, 2014 at the Yogo Inn
- Silent Auction for Author Dinner due to KellyAnne by first of the week – KellyAnne will be turning in food options on Friday
- Staff (KellyAnne, Nancy Sackett, Dan Bell, and Nancy Watts) bought their own tickets to the Author Dinner
- Computers will be relocated to provide more laptop space downstairs and to remove a problem computer.
- Building Maintenance – the boiler is acting up due to a problem with the gas regulator. System is currently shut off and then will be reassessed.
- KellyAnne received the energy audit for the Library building.
Friends of the Library:
- Marie encouraged KellyAnne to keep moving forward with the window project.
- Dryn Durley approached the Friends about planting apple trees as a project. The Friends decided not to pursue the project.
- Officers were elected at the last meeting and remain the same – Marie Anderson (President); Donna Philip (Vice President); Joyce Swanz (Secretary); Tony Gies (Treasurer).
- May Book Sale brought in $692.00
Discussion with the Public
- None
Continuing Business:
- Montana Shared Catalog – increase in services and platform will change at the end of the summer
- Montana Shakes – great turnout and KellyAnne asked to be put on their list for next year as well
- Summer Reading Program Breakdown – Ages 0-4 (Fizz Kids), Ages 5-11 (Fizz, Boom, Read), Ages 12-18 (Spark a Reaction), Ages 18 and older (Literary Elements)
- Upcoming Events:
- Author Dinner – 12:30 p.m. for set-up at the Elks, Nancy Weaver will handle silent auction money after event
- Registration for Summer Reading Program begins week of June 3, Participation begins June 10
- Literary Landscapes – Friday, June 13th – Montana Historic Preservation Roadshow-KellyAnne will present on Mary Clearman Blew’s All But the Waltz and Andrew Garcia’s Tough Trip through Paradise.
New Business:
- Budget Work Meeting set for May 22, 2014 at the Library at 3:00 p.m.Trustee Minute:
- Mary reported on her experiences at MLA and shared a list of websites – she also talked about writing on the web and the need for clarity and readable font3:25 PM Meeting adjourned.
NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING: Thursday, June 12, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. in the Upstairs Meeting Room