Stereotypical Librarian

Nancy Sackett 2-600pxStereotypes can be funny or a little negative but mostly t_____(non fiction) in my case anyway. I am a quiet plain ___________ (Austen or Eyre) who wears g_______s because of spending too much time as a kid with my nose in a b__k. I wear sweater ____ and _________ shoes. I was born in Fountain Terrace condominiums back when it was known as St. Joseph’s h____p_____.

Since 198__ I’ve worked at the Lewistown Public Library. Any number you guess means only one thing, I’m o__. Even though I’m the Outreach services lib_______; using technology to reach out and connect with patrons who never actually _____ into the building is new to me. Yes, I’m an old _____(never wed) who lives in a house full of c_____(four legged kids) but I always dreamed of being a book w______ (author) not a book loaner. Let’s talk about ______ and dreams and I’ll suggest some good stories you might enjoy reading and you can recommend some books you think the L________ should have.

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Ask the Stereotypical Librarian What to Read

Reading List

Watching for a sign

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

November, Bring It On

Mood Reading

My Menu:

Immigration Problems

Doggone Heroes

Tolerance Builders

Debut Novels

Southern Superstars

Not Continued Stories

Laughing Reads

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