The STARlab is visiting the LPL! STARlab is a fabulous mini planetarium on loan for the week of July 2nd from the Museum of the Rockies. Miss Brittney is offering programming in the STARlab for our Summer Reading Program youth participants:
- Tuesday, July 2 at 1 p.m.: NASA @ My Library “STARlab Planetarium” for Middles (ages 6 – 12). The group will read myths/stories about constellations as we view them in the planetarium.
- Wednesday, July 3 at 4 p.m. Wednesday Writers “STARlab Planetarium” for Teens (ages 13 – 18) will discuss myths/stories about constellations as we view them in the planetarium and create our own constellation myths.
STARlab will also be available to the public for walk-in experiences on Tuesday, July 2 and Wednesday, July 3:
- Tuesday 9am-12:45, 2:15 – 6pm
- Wednesday 9am – 3:45, 5 – 6pm
Come in and enjoy a glimpse of the night sky in the Library! Contact 538-5212 for more information or visit