“Out of this World Salad” Contest & Potluck

June 18, 2019 @ 6:00 pm
Friendly Family Fun!  Bring your crowd and a salad to share (please list ingredients – because of food allergies).  You may choose to enter the OUT OF THIS WORLD SALAD contest or just share a dish, eat & vote.  Beverages will be provided by the Lewistown Public Library.

Win an Apron when your salad gets the most votes in these 6 Categories:

  1. Healthiest Salad
  2. Most Colorful Salad
  3. Strangest looking Salad
  4. Most Unusual Ingredient in a salad
  5. Most Unique Title for a salad
  6. Crowd Favorite overall


To enter:

Bring your salad along with an index card with the title (name) of your salad and a list of ingredients (because of food allergies).  Please list all ingredients (we don’t need the recipe).  Bring your own crowd because everyone gets to vote & eat.

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